
I debated whether not I should blog today, but I told myself that my followers and other colleagues might be looking for the next subject. So here it is. For all of the producers/engineers that are just getting started, the work never stops. If you’re trying to make a name for yourself, then you’ve got to keep going. I’m not suggesting that you burn yourself out, but don’t let distractions get you off course. Those of us who have been in this for a while knows that the struggle is real. Building a brand and reputation takes long hours and hard work. I wish it were a little easier, but nothing worth having comes easy. While others celebrate holidays and events, you may be busy working on that next hit. The clients you work with are counting on you to give them what you claim you can produce, and days off are far and few in between. Plus, if you want artists to hear what you have, you need a library of music for them to listen to. As they say, hard work pays off. And if it’s a great product, it really pays! Don’t cut yourself short. Put in the work, and reap the rewards.

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